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Blaze Your Own Path
Trail Technician
Trail Technician
Trail Technician
NWACC's Trail Technician program teaches you the essential skills and techniques required to create and maintain well-designed, safe and sustainable mountain bike trails. Expert instructors guide you through the intricacies of trail construction, maintenance and the principles of conservation.
You can quickly earn a certificate of proficiency or technical certificate in the field of trails and be prepared for various trail careers such as a crew member, manager, project manager or designer.
NWACC also offers the option to apply your earned course credits toward an Associate of Applied Science in General Technology, which can easily transfer to Arkansas Tech University and be applied toward a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership.
Read further to learn more about courses, academic paths and possible careers.
Trail Technician Program
View the How-to-Apply Help Guide
to review the application process.
Academic Paths & Careers
View the information below to learn more about the academic path that best fits your career goals.
Certificate of Proficiency in Trail Technician
(12 hours, can be completed in one semester)
TRAL 1023 Trail Construction
TRAL 1033 Trail Maintenance and Management
TRAL 2711 Heavy Equipment Operations for Trails
TRAL 2811 Welding for Trails
TRAL 2911 Small Engine Repair for Trails
EMTA 1022 Emergency Medical Responder Lecture
EMTA 1021 Emergency Medical Responder Lab
Certificate of Proficiency in Trail Management
(15 hours, can be completed in one semester)
TRAL 1003 Introduction to Sustainable Trails (online)
TRAL 1013 Trail Planning and Design (online)
TRAL 1023 Trail Construction
TRAL 1033 Trail Maintenance and Management
TRAL 2003 Trail Operations and Regulations (online)
Technical Certificate in Trail Construction and Management
(34 hours, can be completed in one year)
Trail courses:
TRAL 1003 Introduction to Sustainable Trails
TRAL 1013 Trail Planning and Design
TRAL 1023 Trail Construction
TRAL 1033 Trail Maintenance and Management
TRAL 2003 Trail Operations and Regulations
TRAL 2711 Heavy Equipment Operations for Trails
TRAL 2811 Welding for Trails
TRAL 2911 Small Engine Repair for Trails
Choose 3 hours from below:
BADM 2513 Business Organization and Management
EMTA 1022 Emergency Medical Responder Lecture
EMTA 1021 Emergency Medical Responder Lab Core
Construction courses:
CST 1323 Introduction to Craft Skills
CST 2213 Construction Methods I
CST 2413 Estimating
CST 2513 Surveying
CST 2441 Construction Internship
Technical Certificate in Trails and Community Development
(36 hours, can be completed in one year)
Trails courses:
TRAL 1003 Introduction to Sustainable Trails
TRAL 1013 Trail Planning and Design
TRAL 2003 Trail Operations and Regulations
CST 1323 Introduction to Craft Skills
CST 2513 Surveying
Community Planning and Sustainable Development courses:
DRFT 1233 Engineering Graphics
DRFT 2114 Auto CAD 1
DRFT 2183 Auto CAD Civil 3D
GEOS 2943 Intro to Geographic Information
GEOL 1114 General Geology I
AND choose 3 hours from:
BOTY 2534 Environmental Biology
ENSC 2003 Environmental Management
ENSC 2001L Environmental Management Lab
Courses taken to earn a Technical Certificate in Trail Construction and Management or Trails and Community Development can be applied toward:
- Associate of Applied Science in General Technology
- Associate of Applied Science in Construction Technology
NWACC's Associate of Applied Science in General Technology can transfer and be applied toward a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership at Arkansas Tech University. View the transfer degree plan.
NWACC's Associate of Applied Science in Construction Technology can transfer and be applied toward a Bachelor of Science in Construction at John Brown University.
Potential careers paths include:
- Trail crew member
- Trail crew manager
- Trail company project manager
- Trail planner and designer
- City trail liaison
Community Classes
NWACC's Trails Community Classes are designed for those wanting to learn essential trail maintenance skills. Classes are typically one day and last a few hours.