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Model United Nations Conference
Model United Nations Conference 2023 - CANCELED
Register for NWACC's in-person High School Model United Nations Conference to engage with other high school students and learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations (UN). You'll have the opportunity to role-play different countries among UN committees and sharpen your skills in public speaking, debating, writing, critical thinking and team work.
Conference committees include the Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council, Security Council, and (novel) General Assembly. The conference director will assign committee chairs. The (novel) General Assembly is for students who are new to Model UN and want to be placed in a committee with only novices. This committee consists of experienced college Model UN participants who offer special assistance and guidance to novices on parliamentary procedure, resolution-writing, international organizations and national interest.
Delegates should conduct themselves by parliamentary procedures while in committees, advance their country's interests on the policy topic, and convince the committee to pass a resolution addressing the policy. Position papers are encouraged but not required in preparation for the tournament.
Award nomination forms will be emailed to high school model united nations advisors.
Nominations will be taken from delegates and advisors. Awards will be mailed to best delegation and honorable mention from each committee.
Conference & Registration Details
Schedule, Guest Speaker, Committee Topics & Resources
Conference schedule
- 8 AM - 9 AM: Conference Check-in and Late Registration
- 9 AM - 9:50 AM: Opening Plenary
- 10 AM -11:45 AM: First Committee Session
- 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM: Lunch
- 12:30 PM: Advisor meeting
- 1:20 PM - 3:20 PM: Second Committee Session
- 3:30 PM - 5 PM: Closing Plenary
- 5:30 PM: Award Ceremony
Topic #1: Fossil fuel and mineral extraction of the Arctic and Antarctica
Topic #2: Mineral extraction in outerspace bodies
Topic #1: Right of the Child
Topic #2: Women's Human Rights
Topic #1: Human Rights of the Residents of Hong Kong
Topic #2: Human Rights of Prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay
Topic #1: Rohingya Refugee Crisis
Topic #2: Tigray Crisis in Yemen
- Associated Press coverage of UN
- CIA World Factbook
- Council for Foreign Relations coverage of UN
- CSPAN coverage of UN
- International Crisis Group
- Jurist legal news and commentary
- New Humanitarian publication
- Pass Blue publication
- UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) news
- UN general news
- UN General Assembly news
- UN Human Rights Council news
- UN Security Council news
- Rand Corporation research on UN
- Security Council Report publication
Model UN Conference How To Resources (provided by BestDelegate)
- Model UN Made Easy: How to Write a Resolution
- How to Write an Opening Statement
- How to Debate Resolutions
- Model UN Made Easy: Top 20 Important Terms to Know in Committee
Delegation (Country) Assignments
View country assignments and the role of each country on different committees.