Marketing & Public Relations | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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Marketing & Public Relations

NWACC's Marketing and Public Relations Departments are responsible for marketing, branding, relations and communications for all of NWACC, including our culinary school, Brightwater: A Center for the Study of Food.

The departments lead NWACC’s branding efforts by partnering with units from all areas of campus to create campaigns and materials that get results. Through internal and external partnerships and multiple channels, the college's story is spread and its value felt by the community, state and world.

Marketing and Public Relations' efforts also support government and community relations by raising awareness of the college's educational programs among citizens and leaders within the community, throughout the state, in Washington D.C. and among faculty, staff, students and alumni.


Public Relations


Marketing Materials

Learn more about NWACC's mission, educational programs, student demographics and more.

Media Relations

Access media resources to learn more about NWACC and the college's latest news, events, student activities and more. 

News, Web & Publicity

Discover NWACC's current news and featured stories, request publicity or report a web issue.