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College Is Within Your Reach
Financial Aid Services
Financial Aid Services
Financial Aid
As an NWACC student, you'll have access to a variety of financial aid sources to help
you pay for college expenses. Financial aid can come from federal, state, school and
private sources. Learn more by viewing the information listed below.
Apply for Aid
Now is the time to submit your free application for federal student aid (FAFSA). Follow our guide on how to apply for financial aid.
Types of Aid
NWACC participates in most federal and state aid programs and offers institutional
financial aid programs.
Each semester, there are various deadlines you must meet in order to apply and maintain
your financial aid award.
Maintain Eligibility
Once you have been awarded federal aid, there are several things you need to do to
maintain eligibility.
Cost & Fees
Paying for college can cost less than you think. Use cost estimates to give you an idea of how much to expect to pay.
Forms & Policies
Access the financial aid refund policy and forms such as financial reconsideration, dependency override, student loan change and more.
Financial Aid Tips
To do:
- Apply for financial aid early — don't procrastinate
- Take your time completing the FAFSA
- Ask enrollment support staff for help with FAFSA questions
- Complete and submit verification documents early
- Make copies of your documents