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Here to help you succeed.
Disability Resource Center
Disability Resource Center
Disability Resource Center
NWACC's Disability Resource Center ensures students with disabilities equal access to the college's educational programs, opportunities and activities.
The college strives to improve and incorporate comprehensive services to eliminate physical, programmatic and attitudinal barriers that may arise with disabilities. Services are available to students, faculty, staff and guests.
In addition, the center seeks to strengthen partnerships with community agencies to develop models and practices that build leadership and cultural awareness in the areas of post-secondary education, rehabilitation and student services.
Academic accommodations offered to eligible students include the following:
- Registration help & counseling
- Student volunteer note takers
- Permission to audio tape lectures
- Preferential classroom seating
- Special testing conditions
- Extended time for written assignments
- Consultation on use and acquisition of auxiliary aids
- Sign language interpreter services
- Videophone usage
Contact Disability Resource Center
- Becky Paneitz Student Center, 114
- (479) 986-4076
- Text: (479) 777-9312
- M-Th, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm* - * NWACC is closed on Fridays during the summer
- Washington County Location
- By appointment only
Eligibility for Services
If you have a disability or medical condition that affects you as an NWACC student, we are here to assist and ensure your access to the College’s programs, activities, and services. Auxiliary aids and services are available to any NWACC student who has a documented disability, in keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Individuals eligible for services include those with mobility, orthopedic, hearing, vision or speech impairments, as well as those with other health-related disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities or psychiatric disabilities.
All accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Get Started
Early College Experience Students
If you are concurrently enrolled in courses through our Early College Experience program, any accommodations that you are approved to receive through your high school (through an IEP or 504 plan) do not directly transfer with you to your college courses. Complete the ECE Student Accommodations Request and monitor your NWACC email address for next steps.
DRC-affiliated students
Once your affiliation with the DRC is complete and you have received an email communication indicating you are approved for accommodations:
Request your Accommodation Letters every semester.
Book an appointment to use your approved testing accommodations in the Testing Center.
Request Other Services
Report Grievance
Learn more about NWACC's ADA / 504 Student Grievance Process.
All information and records obtained by the Disability Resource Center are kept confidential, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and ADA/504 mandates.