Meet Us Becky Krein | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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#MeetUs: Staff

 Becky in front of large mural she has painted

Becky  Krein, Testing Services Manager and Artist 
Student Services / Testing Center
TC Graphic Design, AA, AS, AGS - NWACC
BA Studio Art - UA   


Did you attend a community college?

Yes. I attended NorthWest Arkansas Community College and then transferred to the University of Arkansas to complete my bachelor degree.


What do you do at NWACC?

Serving as Testing Services Manager places me into MANY different roles in helping the students, staff/faculty, as well as the community. However, to name just a few of the primary duties, this would include being a certified proctor for many different community testing companies.  This is to aid in the community receiving their certifications (Ex: Pearson Vue, GED, NREMT or ASE) and doing so within a high standard, well-functioning, certified facility. The manager is in charge of training our staff, as well as, all of our high school sub-sites in how to proctor Accuplacer.  Being the director's right-hand, I am always busy helping someone...with something...and I wouldn't change it!

close up of becky smiling


The school itself is fantastic! I thoroughly feel as though I learned the most from schooling within the community college. The professors want you to learn and be successful and are fantastic at driving the will, hope, and hunger from within. They are also like a family. You need help, they will come together and do what is needed to fun successfully. You are seen. You are heard. During my studies at NWACC, I was also an employee, serving many roles from Workstudy in Comm/Arts, to being a Lab Assistant for Physics and Engineering, to being an Administrative Specialist in a couple different places (grants and for Science) before settling here in the Testing Center.


What can you tell us about your experience working in your area?

I came to this role in January of this year, so it really wasn’t too long before we shut down for Covid-19. However, in that short time, I feel as though I could not have a better mentor as my boss Cara. She's given the materials to certify, learn, flourish and partner with to keep this place running for the students on campus or virtually. Transition was smooth. It is also an amazing role to be in when you love the community as I do. There is nothing more rewarding for me than to help someone else smile and I get to do it all day long!.


How do you like to spend your free time outside of NWACC? 

When I'm not working.... I am usually working. HA! I have a side business, BeckyKreinDesign, in which I do a lot of artwork or design projects for NWACC,  the community, family and friends. I have done things from calligraphy of student’s names on bowling pins to give to students as awards, handmade birthday cards, and promotional posters and photography of events all the way to painting giant murals. In fact, if you peek into the Science Department, you will see a 2-wall mural that is a composition of the native plants and animals from our area. If you venture through Bentonville, you may find my giant mural that stretches across the side of my house along with a lot of little recycling/art projects I have created.

Other hobbies include walking/exploring, photography, design, pyrography, resin, cooking, gardening, landscaping, and playing with my dogs. So much beauty in the world; I just want to make the best of it. 

 Becky seated, painting an american flag motif on wood

What’s your advice for NWACC students?

My advice for anyone that would think about coming to NWACC, would be DO IT!!  Between the courses, the equipment, the convenience, the COST, and the care that is put into this facility, you will learn more here while spending less. You will miss it too...unless you are like me and just never want to leave!


For more information about our Office of Testing Services, visit or email them at