Brightwater to Host Culinary and Baking Camps for Young Chefs

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Brightwater to Host Culinary and Baking Camps for Young Chefs

Image of Young Chefs

Brightwater, a Northwest Arkansas Community College program, is hosting Future Chefs Food Camps, a culinary and baking camp experience for young chefs ages 9-17 from July 8-12.

The two camps, Chef Legends: A Culinary Camp Experience and Loafin’ Around: Artisan Bread Making, will allow young participants to immerse themselves in the diverse world of cooking and baking.

“Future Chefs Camps allow campers to explore their inner chef while learning from our Chef Instructors,” said Chef Marshall Shafkowitz, executive director of Brightwater. “The mission of Future Chefs is to introduce NWA youth to the exciting world of food by offering knowledge and skills related to cooking, food safety, and nutrition. Campers will have a hands-on experience that helps them grow their skills and gain confidence while trying new things in a fun, learning-focused environment.”

“Future Chefs” will discover new flavors, techniques, and stories that define global cuisine. From traditional recipes passed down through generations to innovative creations pushing the boundaries of taste, they’ll explore it all in the Chef Legends: A Culinary Camp Experience.

In the Loafin’ Around: Artisan Bread Making Camp, participants will dive in the wonderful bread-making world. They will learn the fundamental techniques of artisan bread making, including mixing, kneading, shaping, proofing, and baking, from classic loaves to specialty breads such as bagels and sourdough.

Chef Legends: A Culinary Camp Experience will be for young chefs ages 9-12, and Loafin Around: Artisan Bread Making will be for ages 13-17.

The camps will be held at Brightwater: A Center for the Study of Food in Bentonville. 

For more information about these camps, click here.