NWACC Hosts First Ever Diaper Drive

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NWACC Hosts First Ever Diaper Drive

             Image of Diaper Driver                                                                       

NorthWest Arkansas Community College Career Pathways Initiative is hosting its first diaper drive starting today, Sep. 23, with the goal of gathering 2,000 diapers and 50-pack of wipes.


“The Career Pathways Office on the NWACC campus provides supportive services to eligible low-income parenting students,” said Christie Brinsfield, director Career Pathways Initiative. “Office staff realized the diaper need for these parenting students and partnered with the Family Network’s Diaper Collective of Northwest Arkansas in 2023. Each year, partnering organizations hold a diaper drive. We are having our first drive to coincide with National Diaper Need Awareness Week.”


The diaper drive will last until Oct. 21, and drop-off locations are at the front entrances of all NWACC buildings. Donations will benefit the Northwest Arkansas community and NWACC’s students.


“Diapers are a basic need of all babies, essential to their health and well-being. Keeping infants and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy helps build the strong foundation all children require to reach their full potential,” said Brinsfield. “However, one in two US families struggle to provide this basic need.”


According to NWACC officials, Career Pathways serves 25 children with diapers each month, and they have distributed 7,000 diapers this year.


“In Arkansas, 26% of families earn less than 100% of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, that is less than $31,200 per year,” said Brinsfield. “Nationally, 25% of parents with diaper needs reported that they have missed an average of five days of work or school in the past month due to not having enough diapers to drop children off at childcare.”


“Receiving diapers from the program has helped reduce the stress of purchasing diapers for home and daycare,” said a local family member. “Money has been extremely tight over the last year, and as we all know, diapers are not cheap. Even though this may be a small gesture for some, it makes a large difference for our family. Thank you.”


To donate to this cause, click here.