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Free Expression & Academic Freedom
Free Expression & Academic Freedom
Free Expression
The Free Expression Protection Team is responsible for the below. The team participates in annual professional development related to First Amendment Rights.
- Determining when on-campus First Amendment expression by individuals and groups constitutes harassment (as defined by the Free Speech policy)
- Monitoring policies, practices and administration of First Amendment expression on campus
- Keeping the college in compliance with federal and state law concerning the First Amendment as relevant to changing laws and court precedent
- Educating faculty, staff and students of first amendment campus policy
- Disseminating information about said policies, procedures and actions to the state, campus and public
Academic Freedom
The Academic Freedom Team is responsible for the below. The team is committed to the practices and principles of Academic Freedom and protecting the right to the free exchange of ideas and the freedom of intellectual inquiry for all members of the campus community.
- Adhere to scholarly best practices in their academic endeavors
- Consider the relevance of course content and pedagogical methods to the catalog description and standard course outline
Academic Freedom Team