Checklist for New ECE Instructor Orientation | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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Early College Experience

Checklist for New ECE Instructor Orientation

Faculty Liaisons are responsible for the completion and submission of this form for each new concurrent instructor assigned to you.

This form is required for the course-specific training of all new CEP instructors and must be completed prior to the term in which they teach for the first time. Concurrent Instructors must be advised and introduced to the expectations, policies, procedures and best practices of your department.

All fields are required.
Concurrent Instructor meets or exceeds academic credentials to teach the course.
The role of the Faculty Liaison has been explained to the concurrent instructor and preferred method of communication discussed (e.g., email, phone, text etc.).
Concurrent Instructor and Faculty Liaison have reviewed expectations of the course which includes the following: Learning Outcomes, Syllabi, Textbooks, Assessments & Grading Policies, Philosophy, Curriculum, and Pedagogy.
Did you clearly explain to the concurrent instructor that grading standards and methods of assessment must be identical to those used in the on campus course to ensure rigor and standards of achievement are the same?
Faculty Liaison has approved course syllabus and a copy has been sent to the High School Relations Office

Faculty Liaison Acknowledgment


By submitting this form, I as the Faculty Liaison acknowledge my responsibility that I have properly trained and will provide continued support to the concurrent instructor assigned to me as an NWACC Faculty Liaison in the NACEP-accredited concurrent program.