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LIFE Program
The LIFE (Learning, Improvement, Fun, and Empowerment) program at NWACC connects and supports area high school students who may or may not be considering college after graduation. This friendly group is determined to help high schoolers believe in their ability to accomplish all of their dreams!
The LIFE at NWACC mission is to empower and create desire and access to quality higher educational opportunities for students, to promote student success during and after their enrollment in the LIFE program, and to create an atmosphere of acceptance and cultural celebration by linking all communities and peoples. Learn about the awards that the LIFE program has earned for its success: Closing the Gap Award | University Business Models of Excellence.
We at NWACC understand that transitioning to college after high school is a rewarding decision but can also be very challenging. With the college's LIFE program, we can help you navigate the obstacles and connect you with a college-age LIFE Mentor who can walk you through it all step by step.
Our goal in LIFE is to help you feel empowered to dream big, learn how to fulfill your goals, strive to improve, and most importantly, have fun! There’s a place for you at NWACC. Let us help you find it.
View our video to learn how high school students have benefited from LIFE.
Join LIVE Instagram Events
Follow LIFE on Instagram to learn more about attending college and join in LIVE conversations!

Summer Program
LIFE’s summer program is not just an educational program, it is an experience where you'll move forward in life feeling connected, empowered and supported.

Join your friends at LIFE Day and learn about transitioning into college and accomplishing your dreams from NWACC staff, faculty and volunteers and LIFE mentors.

In addition to the summer program, students can participate in the challenging LIFEQuiz
academic competition that occurs every fall.

Legacy Mentors
Meet the mentors who were apart of LIFE since its beginning. Learn about their life
accomplishments and how the program has helped them succeed!

El Programa "Padres"
NWACC’s “Padres” program educates Latino parents about the college preparation process,
so they are empowered to support their children throughout their higher education

High School Partners
High schools have partnered with the LIFE Program at NWACC. Learn more about how high
school staff, faculty, and students have benefited.

Support LIFE
Our LIFE events are made possible by numerous volunteers and donations. Find out how
you can help.

After participating in LIFE and enrolling at NWACC, you'll have access to even more resources at the college.