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College Expansion Prepares Students for In-Demand Careers
February 19, 2019
To meet the needs of increased enrollment and in-demand careers, NWACC is currently building two facilities – the Integrated Design Lab and the Washington County Center.

New Washington County Facility to Offer a Convenient Location for Students
February 08, 2019
For NWACC students living in Fayetteville, Springdale, and other towns within Washington County, taking classes is going to get even more convenient. NWACC's construction of a new Washington County facility, west of Arvest Ballpark on Watkins Avenue in Springdale, will open to students for the Spring 2020 semester.

#WatchARWork Campaign Promotes Skilled Trades Training Programs at NWACC
February 05, 2019
NWACC is excited to join Arkansas Community Colleges (ACC) in kicking off a statewide marketing campaign called #WatchARWork to promote our skilled trades training programs! Follow the campaign on social media.

NWACC Places Last Beam on New Washington County Center
January 29, 2019
NWACC placed its last beam on the steel structure of the new Washington County Center located west of Arvest Ballpark on Watkins Avenue, marking another milestone for the project.

NWACC Food Pantry Needs Donations
January 17, 2019
Due to the government shutdown and students returning for the Spring semester, the NWACC food pantry is asking for food donations to cover the increase in demand.

How to Download the App to Ride the Ozark Regional Transit Bus
January 15, 2019
To ride the Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) buses for the semester, registered NWACC students will need to download the Token Transit app and pay a $14 fee. Follow these easy steps.

Last Beam Placed on NWACC's New Integrated Design Lab
January 09, 2019
January 9th marked the Topping Out Ceremony for NorthWest Arkansas Community College’s Integrated Design Lab (IDL) on the Bentonville campus. The ceremony celebrated the last beam placed on the structure, a milestone for the college.

4 Reasons Why Veterans Choose NWACC
December 31, 2018
NorthWest Arkansas Community College has made it its mission to offer guidance and assistance to Veterans looking for a high quality, yet affordable college education. With a military-friendly culture, a resource center, and scholarships, Arkansan veterans are taking notice and choosing to grow their education with NWACC.

Golden Eagle Award Winner Plans to Travel the World
October 25, 2018
Moving from across the world to attend a community college in the state of Arkansas is a big decision, one that NorthWest Arkansas Community College (NWACC) student and Golden Eagle Award winner, Ari, has no regrets making...

Aspiring Leader and Double Major Earns the Golden Eagle Award
September 30, 2018
NWACC student Jose has continued to surpass the Golden Eagle award qualifications, especially his commitment to education, involvement in campus clubs and organizations, and demonstrating social awareness. He’s a full-time student, a member of NWACC’s LIFE program and the DREAMers club, and a full-time Walmart employee.