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NWACC Expands Integrated Design Program with NSF ATE Grant
November 11, 2020
Much of NWACC’s ability to expand its integrated design program, add additional equipment to the lab and grow community partnerships has been due to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) project grant. Learn more on our blog.

NWACC Members Honored at Arkansas Community Colleges Conference
November 02, 2020
Arkansas Community Colleges Association honored outstanding community college faculty, staff, students and alumni from around the state at its virtual conference. NWACC honorees included faculty member Lorraine Bach, staff member Robin Roitz, student Jessica Woosley and alumni Jonathan Janacek.

Coming this Spring: Educational Certainty Amidst a Pandemic
October 28, 2020
NWACC is determined to offer certainty this spring. You can expect a continuation of the same flexible and affordable class options, helpful support services, and safe and responsive campus environment.

Jobs Withstanding the Pandemic and Only Requiring a Two-Year Associate Degree
July 28, 2020
Based on recent labor data, occupations in fields such as health care, supply chain, computer programming, and others have endured the pandemic and show to be in-demand for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, many of the in-demand jobs only require an associate degree – saving you time and money. Learn more on our blog.

Llegando Este Otoño: Campus y Clases Seguras
July 27, 2020
NWACC planea dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes nuevos y actuales este otoño con tres principios en mente: sentirse seguro en el campus, seguro en el salón de clases y a salvo de la discriminación.

Coming this Fall: Safe Campus & Classes
June 15, 2020
NWACC plans to welcome new and current students to campus this fall with three principles in mind – feel safe on campus, safe in the classroom and safe from discrimination.

Graduating College During COVID-19
May 27, 2020
Olivia Schaap writes about how she managed to graduate college during COVID-19, a time filled with uncertainty, online learning, and social distancing from friends and teachers. Although the virus disrupted her everyday college life, she didn't let it infect the great memories and valuable education she experienced as an NWACC student.

Why Community College May Be A Better Alternative Than Gap Year During COVID-19
May 20, 2020
Due to COVID-19, many graduating high school seniors are hesitant to attend college and are considering a gap year, but a gap year during a pandemic may no longer look the same. Visit our blog to learn why attending a community college may be a better alternative.

30 Creative Ways to Spend Your Free Time During COVID-19
March 24, 2020
As we continue to safely social distance during the COVID-19 pandemic, the NWACC Counseling & Wellness Center has compiled a list of creative ways to spend some of your newfound free time.

Staying Emotionally Well During COVID-19
March 19, 2020
Many of us may be experiencing some emotional discomfort given the spread of COVID-19 and the disruption to our lives. The situation is new and unpredictable! And NWACC’s precautionary move to remote learning represents a major change for us all. Follow these tips to stay emotionally well during these times.